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Q. Who are Metro Personal Consultants

A. Metro Personal Consultants (hereinafter referred as Metro) is a professional introduction agency company which focuses on introducing Asian women to men of all races

Q. What are the difference between Metro and online dating systems?

A. There are many significant differences between the two systems. Here are a few of the key differences:

  1. Online dating only requires people to complete the provided form(s) and submit personal photos via their website system. No one knows who is behind this information or photos. We, in contrast, arrange an interview with each client. This ensures the integrity of our entire membership;
  2. Online dating relies on personal honesty for the validity of their information, while we get to know our clients through many different means including personal interviews, constant communication during the service, social events, and feedback from the people they’ve met;
  3. With online dating system, there is no one to consult if a customer is not happy or have special service requirements and needs. Not only do we offer personal matching, we also provide the support, follow-up and ongoing exchange throughout the service.

Q. How does Metro work?

A. There are five steps through which you can access the service:

Step 1: A no obligation interview will be arranged between you and our consultant, to discuss the traits and characteristics of the people you would like to meet. Moreover, Metro consultants will outline  the service we provide and the various membership programs available. You will also be able to view a range of photos of our members;

Step 2: If you decide to join the service, your personal details and photos will be recorded for introductions. You will also sign the Agreement and obtain access to the internal website.

Step 3: You can make your own selections from our internal website or request an experienced consultant to make a match for you. However, no matter which way, we will exchange profiles and photos only with the consent of all parties. Only with mutual agreement, can we exchange phone numbers or suggest a man to calls a women for a coordinate a meeting.

Step 4: We provide support for the communication. So members can treat us as friends to discuss any confusions, misunderstandings, or frustrations, etc.

Step 5: Periodically we organise functions for our members, so they can catch up with someone in person whom they may misjudge from only viewing photos.

Q. Is my information confidential?

A. Yes, it is. These are the measures we take to ensure your privacy is protected:

  1. We will not display your information or photos in any publication without your consent;
  1. It is your decision to publish your information or photo or both on our website;
  1. Your surname, address and date of birth will never be provided to anyone.
  1. Any conversation will be strictly confidential.

Q. Do I need to request an introduction or just wait for you to match me?

A. Yes, you need to inform your local office when you need an introduction including your selections from the website, or request to be matched by our consultants.

Q. How do I search on the website?

A. You will be assigned your own password by Metro staff. However you will only be able to view the member database after becoming a paid member.

Q. What is your success rates?

A. Due to the nature of matchmaking service, many people do not inform us of their success. It is therefore difficult to have accurate statistics. However we encourage people to gauge the success rates from some facts:

  • All our clients have come to our office and paid the membership fees, which display their commitment to the ongoing efforts in finding a suitable relationship. This is the key factor in matching success;
  • All our consultants have been thoroughly trained. The matches we provide are based on our professional experience, appreciation of each individual person and their expectations. This process reduces the time wasting which occurs with online dating, night clubs, or social parties.
  • Every member will have the freedom to make their own decisions after viewing a potential partner’s photos and details. Only when both parties agree, can they get the contact details and contact each other. This system is convenient and transparent, which makes each introduction valuable and sound.

Q. How to find us

A. Metro Personal Consultants have four locations in Australia and New Zealand. The contact details are as follows:


Address:           Suite 8.01, 109 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone:      02 – 9221 0123 or 02 – 9221 0125; 0433 560 668



Address:          Suite 529, 320 Adelaide Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000

Telephone:      07 – 3319 1864; 0416 657 266


West Australia

Address:         Level 1, 100 Havelock Street, West Perth WA 6005

Telephone:     08 – 6160 6018; 0414 309 098

